Plugables ScentSlide FAQS
Thank you for purchasing the Plugables ScentSlide Aromatherapy Night Light. On this page you will find useful product information and frequently asked questions to ensure that you get the most out of your new purchase.
There are two types of Scent Slides (1) the Scent Slides Unlplugged (passive) and (2) the Plugables Scent Slide (active - electric heater and nightlight). Both units use one of two fragrance loads (1) Fragrance Wafers or (2) Essential Oils (on a felt pad).
How To Use
Step 1:
Pull Tray Open
Use thumb and index finger to open the tray.
Step 2:
Select Fragrance Wafer or Felt Pad
Insert Fragrance Wafer or Pad into the try.

Step 3:
Snap into Place and Plug In
If adding essential oil to felt pad, add 10-15 drops, then close the slide. If using wafers, add wafer, snap slide into place and plug into 120V AC wall socket.
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At The Gift of Scent, fragrance products are our passion. From aromatherapy products that help promote health and wellness to on-the-go fragrance products that help our spaces feel and smell fresh wherever we are, we care deeply about helping make our lives and the lives of our customers happier in every way.
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