Being a child in wintry Iowa, I learned at an early age the enjoyment of scent. I only lived there for 6 years to begin with but that was long enough to experience cold and snow deep enough to play in. Each time we would get a snowstorm my mom would bundle my older brother and I up to go outside to play. You know the drill. Triple layers of everything; snow boots, wool socks, long johns, hats, gloves/mittens, scarves…. We’d go out and play for hours sometimes, the whole while mom was inside our farmhouse making homemade cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. See what I mean by saying I had an early love of scent?? Who doesn’t love the wonderful, sweet smells wafting from a mother’s kitchen??

Now, decades later, I still enjoy those aromas, but my love of scent has grown. I have found I can find pleasure in scent in so many ways other than good food, through my discovery of essential oils and aromatherapy.


My latest acquisition to support my love of all things essential oils is from Belle Aroma®, Esprit de Fleur™ Essential Oil Nebulizer. I have the Light Stone finish model, but it also comes in a dark stone finish. The elegant aesthetics of this nebulizer makes it a beautiful addition to the bedroom, an office, or a treatment room.



The design of the Esprit de Fleur Essential Oil Nebulizer allows for up to 80 days of diffusion from a 10 mL bottle, since you can tailor it to your preference by selecting either the low, medium, or high setting. Currently I’m diffusing the Belle Aroma® “Walking on Sunshine,” which is a beautiful combination of Camphor, Ginger grass, Ho wood, Bergamot, Orange and Cedarwood. I chose this one to diffuse today for two reasons. One is the oils in this combination are great for reducing stress and promoting calm and balance. We are having a mini-ice storm here in southwest Missouri today and are experiencing electrical difficulties so I figured the extra calming effect of diffusing this one would be helpful. The other reason is I just love the name, “Walking on Sunshine!”

The convenience of the Esprit de Fleur Essential Oil Nebulizer is unsurpassed. It is USB-C powered with an 8 hour auto off and timer setting. It is a true waterless diffuser, so there is no dilution of the essential oil.

You will find this nebulizer by Belle Aroma® will provide you with a professional aromatherapy experience in the comfort of your own home.

Lori Herr for The Gift of Scent

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